Videoly makes it easy to deliver product and marketing assets to your reseller network. Assets can be delivered to the Retailers within Videoly for Retailers network directly to their MyVideoly customer portal, in addition to that, you can expand the distribution network by adding your own list of recipients who would have access to the assets that you are sharing.
How recipients access your assets
Recipients of EasyLink will get an email notification once you have at least one collection of assets to be shared with them. Going forward, they will be notified about new content uploads that you make. These emails contain a link, which leads to a portal from where they can download assets for your brands. There is no need for the recipients to create an account, seamless access is controlled through the token embedded in the link.
How a list of recipients is configured
Recipients are configured from the Settings page in Videoly for Brands. There are several fields required to fill in:
- Name: Defines how a recipient will appear in the Videoly for Brands interface, for example, in the distribution rules for collections that you want to share, or in the Statistics-tab for asset collections.
- Email: The email addresses to which the invitation and digest emails are sent. A recipient can contain multiple emails, in which case a "recipient" can act as a company/retailer, receiving assets instead of a person. That would streamline management of the distribution rules, when asset sharing is targeted on a company basis, rather than on an individual perspective.
- Markets: Defines which country a recipient is operating in. This is also used in the distribution rules, to make sure that recipients, who work, for example, in Sweden, will receive assets, restricted only to Swedish market.
- Link to online store: in cases when a recipient is an online retailer.
After the recipient is created, assets uploads and sharing process works exactly like before, but you will see newly created recipients in the distribution rules when choosing retailer limitations and in the statistics tab for asset collections.
If the recipient is deactivated, access to the portal is revoked.