What information does Videoly collect and why?

We want to be transparent about the data we collect. Here is an overview to help you better understand data collection with Videoly. 

Data collected from the product page

There are two key data points that Videoly collects to allow the widget to function properly: Product title and product ID. 

Additional data include:

  1. Product brand name
  3. Category of the product (breadcrumbs)
  4. Stock availability
  5. Product price and price currency (optional)
  6. Page language

The additional data is collected to enable better matching of products and videos in our system.


This data is collected by Videoly after a customer implements the solution. In most cases, all of this data is publicly available on a customer's website.

Data collected about visitors

Videoly doesn't collect any personal data about site visitors. Every visitor is anonymised and assigned a unique session ID. There is no way for us to trace the session ID back to the real person or the household.

The information below is linked to an anonymous session ID:

  1. Browser name and browser version: This information helps us get more visibility on service performance and identify bugs related to specific browsers.
  2. Clicks on the "add-to-cart" and "add-to-wish list" buttons: These clicks allow us to measure the impact of videos on sales.
  3. Country of the visitor: Videos may have geographical restrictions. In order to hide videos that are not accessible in a particular country, we need to know the country of the store visitor.
  4. List of products viewed by visitors in the online store, with date stamps: This helps us establish figures on active products by looking at which products were visited and which of these products had videos. 
  5. List of videos (provided by Videoly) that the visitor has watched: In order to demonstrate the impact of videos on purchasing behaviour, we need to separate watchers from non-watchers.
  6. Width and height of the visible part of the product page: This information helps us understand whether the Videoly widget is embedded above or below "the fold". 

The data Videoly does NOT collect

  1. Visitors' personal information (emails, addresses, IP addresses etc.), or information that can be used to identify a person or a household
  2. Payment information

Data collected about Videoly customers

We collect business information for contractual and invoicing purposes, such as company name, address, business ID and relevant names and email addresses of employees in contact with the Videoly team.

Data collected about MyVideoly users

MyVideoly users are typically the employees of a customer. Videoly collects the following information:

  1. Email addresses and names of the persons registered as users in the MyVideoly portal. These are typically work-related emails that Videoly has obtained from its customers.
  2. Date of the last sign in.
  3. User actions in the tool
  4. IP addresses may end up in the system's logs when MyVideoly users access the portal.


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