Importing products and videos

Your Videoly for Brands tool makes uploading, linking and distributing videos to your retailer network quick and easy. 

These tips will help you get started:

  • Where possible, we recommend opting for original video files (e.g. MOV, MPG, MP4) over YouTube links. This is because YouTube links can expire or break, preventing them from showing in the player. HERE is some more information on supported video formats.

  • Save time by setting up new sub-brands prior to import. HERE is more information on sub-brands.

  • To make large imports quick and easy, use bulk upload template combining product and video information.

  • Where possible, include the product name in respective video titles

Uploading your content

Follow these steps to upload your content:

  • Importing and labelling videos

  • Importing products

  • Linking videos and products

Importing and labelling videos

Larger bulk imports

Use these templates to ensure you have everything ready for a quick and easy import.

If the videos you're importing share common properties, such as brand, genre, language and market, you can assign these in bulk prior to import. 

Default properties for videos include:

  • Brand Learn more about creating sub-brands here

  • Genre Select one of the eight video genres

  • Language Select video  language 

  • Markets Assign video market 

Smaller imports

Upload videos by dragging and dropping original video files, selecting a file from your computer or adding YouTube links.

If you've imported videos without adding default properties, you can add these now:

- Go to the 'video' tab below the import section 

- Assign properties (brand, genre, language, markets) to each video


Importing your products

Go to 'products' under the imports section

Upload a file, or add products one by one

Include the products' EAN/code and full title

For even easier products imports, use this template.


Linking videos and products to each other

If you've not yet linked products to respective videos in the above step, you can do this manually either via the 'video' or 'products' tabs:

  • Go to the video or product card

  • At the top of the card, click the “Link more” button

  • Select the desired content for linking

  • Click  “Save” and check all linked content

Made an error? Just unlink incorrect  videos/products from the video or product card.

Publishing videos

Now you just need to publish your videos!

  •  Go to the 'video' tab
  •  Click 'publish' on videos that are linked and ready
  •  You can also schedule your videos to go live on a chosen date. More on this HERE.

Published videos will be reviewed by our team and go live 48 hours after you publish them. Our review will also take into account any schedule you’ve set for product launches. 

Your video thumbnails will feature status updates. 

Questions? Just reach out to

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