Multi-add tool: Adding videos to multiple products

MyVideoly’s multi-add tool makes adding videos to multiple products easy.

Step 1: Search for products in the search bar. There are two ways to do this:

  • Paste in multiple product SKUs or EANs in the search bar (separated by a space, comma or semicolon).
  • Search by product title (one by one) and select products as you perform multiple searches. Products will stay selected until you untick them.

💡When adding one or more videos to large product batches, you can select all products on succeeding pages by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the selection box: 

Step 2: Adding videos 

  • Click ‘+Add video’ at the top of your products list
  • Paste in the YouTube URL of the video you’d like to add
  • Assign a genre and language (*available languages in the drop-down menu are those that have been set for your shop)
  • If you’d like to add multiple videos to your products, click ‘add another video’ 


💡 Not seeing some products in your library? Simply visit a new product on your site and refresh MyVideoly to make it appear in your products library. Only published products visited at least once appear in MyVideoly. Recently published products may not have seen traffic yet. 

💡Manually added videos will feature a 'circled plus' in the video thumbnail (see example below) and get ranking priority, so they’ll appear in the widget before other videos.

💡We always ensure that only embeddable videos that are available on YouTube are displayed in the widget. We also perform this check on videos that you manually add via MyVideoly. 

If a video you've added can't be embedded or is not available on YouTube, you'll see a notification of this in a green thumbnail (see example below).

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