GA4: Setting up audiences based on Videoly events (video)

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating custom audiences using the GA4 events Videoly sends when users view and interact with videos on your product pages. Learn more about the events we send you HERE

💡This guide only covers events Videoly sends to your GA4 via gtag.js implementation and doesn't apply to dataLayer events we send you. For more information on dataLayer events Videoly sends, please refer to this article.

You can follow our step-by-step below, or watch our video on creating audiences in your GA4 👇

💡Good to note before you begin 

  • It can take up to 24-48 hours for an audience to accumulate new users. 

  • Audience data isn’t available retroactively. Data for an audience will start accumulating only after that audience has been set up.

  • We highly recommend setting data retention to 14 months to give you more data to work with. You can do this under the GA4 Admin section (Admin > Data Settings > Data Retention).

  • We highly recommend labeling audiences with the syntax ''Viewers'' and ''Non-viewers''. This will allow you to seamlessly connect audiences to your Looker Studio dashboard. (Not using Looker Studio yet? Please contact us at for more info)

Step 1: Navigating to GA4 audience settings

  • From the bottom left hand corner select Admin

  • Select ‘’Audiences’’ under the Property column

  • Select ‘’New audience’’ on the top right hand corner

Step 2: Creating a new GA4 audience for video viewers

  • Select ‘’Create custom audiences’’ under the section ‘’Start from Scratch’’ 
  • Label your audience: ‘’Viewers’’
  • Under ‘’Add new condition’’, select ‘’Events’’, scroll down and select the event ‘’watched’’
  • ❗️Make sure the audience scope is set to ‘’Across all sessions’’ and the membership duration is ‘’Set to maximum limit’’
  • Click ‘’Save’’

Step 3: Creating a new GA4 audience for non-viewers

  • Select ‘’Create custom audiences’’ under the section ‘’Start from Scratch’’ 

  • Label your audience: ‘’Non-viewers’’ 

First condition 

  • Under ‘’Add new condition’’, select ‘’Events’’
  • Scroll down and select the event ‘’VideolyboxShown’’ 
  • Add ‘’OR’’, then select ‘’VideolyboxShown_OutOfStock’’.
  • ❗️Make sure the audience scope is set to ‘’within the same session’’

Second condition 

  • Select the plus sign for ‘’Add group to exclude’’
  • Select ‘’Permanently exclude users when’’ from the drop-down menu
  • Select ‘’Event’’, scroll down and select the event ‘’watched’’
  • ❗️Make sure the audience scope is set to ‘’within the same session’’ and the membership duration is ‘’Set to maximum limit’’!
  • Click ‘’Save’’


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